The Checklist is a list of Birds which can be observed during the various seasons in a specific site and which briefly defines the phenology of the various taxa recorded in that specific territory.
The following Checklist includes all the species observed from 1975 to today in the area of the Saltflats of Priolo adjacent to the Magnisi Peninsula.
The 245 species are listed in systematic order and are preceded by their respective Euring Code (European Union for Bird Ringing), the international body which has defined a list of 5 number numerical codes for the identification of species and subspecies of palearctic birds (region which includes the European, Mediterranean, Arabic, Siberian and Manchurian subregions). The systematic order and scientific names, with few exceptions, were taken from the ”AERC TAC List of Western Palearctic birds” di Crochet et al. (2011) and the ”Lista” CISO-COI di Fracasso et al. (2009).
The following Checklist basically follows the CISO-COI lists which use the categorisation proposed by AERC, integrated with other categories regarding general and reproductive status (Fracasso et al., 2009; Baccetti et al., 2014).
To view the phenology of the species listed,
click on the name you are interested in.
N = nesting. Cases of occasional nesting (generally under half a dozen) are listed as N irr.
Re = Resident: always combined with N. The species is present for all or most of the year in a specific area, where it normally concludes its reproductive cycle; the sedentary lifestyle does not exclude movements of a certain degree ( for example seasonal or vertical movements).
E = Summering: present during the species’ reproductive period without nesting;
M = Migratory: species which transits in the area after annual movements from nesting areas towards wintering areas and/or vice versa; Ma indicates the autumn migrators while Mp indicates the spring ones; this category includes the invasive and dispersive species (for example juvenile dispersion) or species which make short range movements. The species which do not appear regularly and/or rarely or localised, which are not part of the accidental category, are indicated with M irr.
Sv = Wintering: Species present for the whole or part of the winter period (December-January or mid February), without excluding local movements or movements relevant to climatic-environmental conditions. The irregular wintering species or simply present in the winter period during temporary stops (in general brief stays, localised and limited to a single or few individuals), are indicated with Sv irr.
A = Accidental: Species which appear in an area in a casual way (conventionally less than 20 times) generally with a single or very few individuals. It is indicated with the number of sightings (and not individuals) which are considered valid, in accordance with the COI. In the cases in which it is difficult to determine whether it is an accidental or an irregular migratory species it is considered the most restrictive category. The Accidental attribute excludes the pairing to other phenological categories. In comparison to the previous versions the Accidental category to be confirmed (A) is not used anymore.
irr = irregular: it is paired with all symbols and indicates an irregular recurrence during the year.
? = it can follow any symbol and generally indicates a possible change in phenologic category based on uncertain or presumed data. For example M reg? indicates an apparent regularisation of the appearance of a species which was previously regarded as irregularly migrating M irr? An increase in the amount of appearances of a previously accidental species.